Sunday, September 16, 2012

WMS in 2012 ................Budget & Finances

Samson, AL - I guess I almost forgot to say in the original post ...... I'm announcing a third party, or more accurately an independent run for President of the United States of America. While presidential candidates usually have millions of dollars behind them in backing not to mention their own personal wealth, kind of like that Allstate Insurance TV commercial, I'm running this on a Ramen-Noodle budget.

Since this spring we have witnessed events like the Arab Spring, or even before that we've witnessed the Deep Water Horizon Disaster, Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant Disaster, and many other things through the advent of modern Social Media networking. I recognize that running for the White House costs mega-money, as well as it's very unlikely that the Democrats or Republicans will even seriously consider me a contender without a great deal of support by the general population throughout the country.

First of all let me say, that as long as we have Americans who are in need of food, medical care, and adequate housing, the American budget must be focused on Americans. That includes the budgets of all cabinet level departments. Which brings me to a story I just found out about today ....

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A Channel 2 Action News investigation found that the State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas. This investment has received criticism as the United States makes an effort to slash nearly $4 trillion in government spending.Plenty of outrage following the announcement made Thursday afternoon by a government commission that suggested huge cuts to the budget, including eliminating the interest education for home mortgage. This juxtaposed with the United States investing millions to refurbish mosques as a good-will effort in Muslim countries has upset many taxpayer groups.

I don't know about you, but this is totally unacceptable in my opinion.

If by my widest imagination we should be successful and I am elected as President, my first endeavor will be that Congress must pass a balanced budget. We can no longer afford to keep borrowing money from foreign governments and banks, and turn around and send that money overseas as American Aid Dollars. I know that will not be popular among corporations, banks and foreign nations, but the fact of the matter is that America and her citizens come first. Yes, I surmise that places a big target upon my back, or head to many foreign powers. Tough, or in the words of the former World Wide Entertainment wrestler and now actor "The Rock" ..... "JUST BRING IT!"

Whether it's American's in our inner cities, the suburbs, or our own 1st Nations Indigenous Peoples on American Indian Reservations, they deserve the hand-up long before anyone on foreign shores. So here is notice, "If the American People choose to elect me as their President, every dime of foreign aid will be severely scrutinized, and gone are the days of America buying foreign governments military equipment with American Tax Dollars or borrowed currency from abroad."

I am not saying that America will not be there with a helping hand in times of Natural Disasters. However since World War II, the United States of America has been around the globe, many times, shedding the blood of her men and women to deter aggression upon other nations. We have been accused of hegemony, which may or may not be true, but I would choose to believe we were there to defend basic human rights and freedoms, and not tell others how to run their own nation. For we Americans have our own share of domestic policy black-eyes and bad-karma if you will, we don't need to accept that of other nations too.

Many years ago, now the Senior Senator from Alabama, Richard Shelby, presented legislation resulting in basically a flat tax for all Americans. I am going to ask Senator Shelby if I am elected to reintroduce that legislation, but that it will not only address individuals and families, but all businesses and corporations doing business in the United States. What that flat-tax percentage will be, I'm not entirely certain at this point, however I'm thinking somewhere in the area of ten-percent (10%). Further there will be NO business or corporate exemptions or deductions, but for individuals or families, I am proposing that if you make less than 200-percent of the poverty level, adjusted locally for your area based upon a deviation/change percentage of the existing Government Services Administration's per-diem rate, you pay zero federal income tax. Any income over that adjusted 200-percent of the poverty level, will be taxed at the flat tax rate.

So for example, here locally in the Samson, Alabama area, if a federal employee were sent here on a temporary duty assignment that required them to stay overnight in a motel or hotel, they currently would receive the standard federal per-diem rate for lodging, meals and incidentals. Therefore a family of four here would have their first $46K and change (twice the poverty level) as federal tax free income. Whereas say, Napa Valley, California, your federal per-diem rate is about 75% higher than the standard rate; so because of the higher cost of living, that family of four would have $80,500 federally tax free.

This same adjust 200-percent of the poverty level, would be the benchmark for eligibility for all federal assistance programs as well.

Secondly, Congress can not continue to spend your hard earned tax dollars, on projects and programs that do not provide any return on the investment. I will ask Congress for Line-Item-Veto authority to be incorporated the the balanced budget act. In addition I will ask Congress for legislation that terminates Congressional retirement benefits, and special health-care plans that members of Congress and Federal Employees receive, that everyday citizens are not privy to. In short, Congress shall enact no legislation that affects American Citizens, that does not effect members of Congress or Federal Employees; and they shall not grant members of Congress or Federal Employees, benefits, not available to American Citizens. All existing federal retirees shall be grandfathered under this legislation, but Members of Congress shall not. Serving as a Member of Congress is an Honor and Privilege, and NOT a career!

Third I will direct the Office of Management and Budget to conduct a parallel Federal Government Audit of Federal Trust Funds authorized by legislation to a similar audit conducted by the Congressional Budget Office. The results of these audits will be published for all American Citizens to see, just where their gas tax, airline ticket tax, and other taxes which were enacted for the purpose of trust funds to improve America's roadways, airports, ports, rivers, and seaways.

Fourth, effective with my Presidency, all Federal Trust Funds for infrastructure improvements as well as the Social Security/Medicare Trust funds shall be off-budget items, NO MORE ROBBING PETER TO PAY PAUL.

Five, I will seek legislation or initiate legislation that Congress shall not enact legislation requiring state funding of federally mandated programs. In other words you legislate it, you fund it, and you will not deficit spend any longer.

Let's face it, nearly every American adult has to live within a budget commensurate with their income and resources. We all have to balance our checkbooks, so should Congress.

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