Sunday, September 16, 2012

WMS in 2012 ..... Candidate Announcement

SAMSON, AL - Good Morning. My name is William Michael Silaghi, I'm a 54-year old Service-Connected Disabled Veteran of the United States Air Force. After reading comments both now and in the past about different candidates for President of the United States of America, seeing the direction the present Administration has us going and the direction the Republican Candidates seem to want to take us, I must ask: "Isn't there an alternative?"

For many years now, the closing words of the Inaugural Address of President John F. Kennedy have resonated in the back of my mind. . . .
" And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."

As I said, I'm a disabled veteran, not a politician. In both military service and public civil service I have taken that solemn Oath of Office, which proclaims that I will Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Nearly every Veteran I know, agrees and believes, that just because we no longer wear the uniform of a soldier, a sailor, a marine, an airmen, or coast-guardsmen, that we are still bound that solemn oath.

Those words of President Kennedy's Inaugural Address, still for the most part ring true today. Though today, we the American People do not face the ideological differences with the Communism of our parents and grandparents, but instead the ideological differences of extremists both foreign and domestically. Yes, that does say domestically, as I believe the extremists politically and ideologically in this country are as much a threat to our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, as are those on foreign shores.

While I applaud President Obama with the intent of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, I personally believe that had time been spent on a series of smaller bills addressing costs, coverage, and present limitations, their might have been a more productive bill for all the American People. Ironically it took the Supreme Court of the United States, and a statement by the Chief Justice, that (paraphrasing here) the only way this bill is constitution is to infer that the "fines" therein are more accurately "taxes", because that is the only power by which Congress in this case can act Constitutionally.

To my knowledge the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has done little if anything to control the costs of doctor visits, the costs of medical procedures, the costs of analytic procedures, or the transparency of state lines.

I also applaud President Obama with the approval of the mission to capture or kill Osama bin Laden, though the complete credit here must go to the United States Military and special operations sections of other agencies of the Federal Government. However, now that the head of the snake has been severed, and even a number of its regenerative "heads" also severed, there comes a time when it is time to bring American men and women of our military home to their loved ones. 

Around the world these last few days, we have seen the orchestrated attacks and disapproval of what is sometimes considered American Foreign Policy, sometimes it is tagged or associated with the YouTube video and its insult to Islam. We must be candid, the citizens of many nations where we presently have members of our armed forces stationed, whether permanently or temporarily, do not want us there. Need proof, do an Internet search on American Forces in Okinawa, Japan!

It's time my fellow Americans to take our national government back, and make it representative of the People of this Nation and not of special interests or corporations. As my time permits, I will add additional articles or posts here to this blog, however, until such time that my Candidacy truly takes off, I do have responsibilities of a husband, not to mention forty-acres of land that needs maintaining, as well as the maintenance and upkeep of seven memorials on that forty-acres to Native American Veterans, including the only memorial dedicated to the Native American Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor.

God bless all of you,
Thank you for your support,
and may God Bless the United States of America

William M. Silaghi
16 September 2012

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